MC 2024

Model Counting (MC-2024)

Competition Tracks

  • Track 1: Exact Model Counting
  • Track 2: Exact Weighted Model Counting
  • Track 3: Projected Model Counting
  • Track 4: Projected Weighted Model Counting

Important Dates

  • Feb 11: Call for Benchmarks, Participation
  • Mar 30 Apr 9: Benchmark Submission Deadline
  • Apr 30: Public Instance Publication
  • May 29: Public Instance Publication for Track 1
  • June 6: Public Instance Publication for other tracks (tent.)
  • Jun 11 Jun 26 (tent.): Solver Submission Deadline (preliminary due to delayed StarExec upgrades)
  • Jul 3: Notification of public results
  • Jul 15: Notification of private results
  • Jul 30: Comments Deadline by Participants
  • Aug 24: Result Declaration at SAT Conf.


Register an Account with StarExec. We will give you access and you will be able to upload your solver there. Also, please register in this form.

Workshop on Counting, Sampling, and Synthesis

Important Dates

  • May 28, 2024: Submission deadline
  • June 14, 2024: Notification of acceptance
  • August 20, 2024: Workshop on Counting, Sampling, and Synthesis @ SAT 2024

