Track 1: Model Counting
Solver submissions for this track should output for a given Boolean formula
the model count of the instance.
Input files are given in DIMACS CNF format.
- Line separator ‘\n’
- Lines starting with character c are interpreted as comments
- Variables are consecutively numbered from 1 to n
- Problem description
- Form “p cnf NumVariables NumClauses”
- Line starting with character p
- followed by the problem descriptor cnf
- followed by number n of variables
- followed by number m of clauses
- each separated by space each time
- Unique (No other line may start with p)
- Has to be the first line (except comments)
- Remaining lines indicate clauses
- consisting of decimal integers separated by space
- Lines are terminated by character “0”
- Line “2 -1 3 0\n” indicates the clause “2 or not 1 or 3”
- Empty lines or lines consisting of spaces may occur and only will be ignored
c This file describes a DIMACS CNF in MC 2020 format with 6 variables and 4 clauses
p cnf 6 4
-1 -2 0
2 3 -2 0
c this is a comment and will be ignored
4 5 0
4 6 0
- Line separator ‘\n’
- Lines starting with character c are interpreted as comments
- Vertices are consecutively numbered from 1 to n
- Solution description
- Form “s mc numSolutions”
- Line starting with character s
- followed by the problem descriptor mc
- followed by number numSolutions indicating the model count
- each separated by space each time
- Unique (No other line may start with s)
- Has to be the first line (except comments)
- Empty lines or lines consisting of spaces may occur and only will be ignored
c This file describes that the model count is 30
s mc 30
Track 2: Weighted Model Counting
Solver submissions for this track should output for a given Boolean formula,
and a weight function, the weighted model count of the instance.
Input files are given in Weighted CNF format, which is a slight extension of DIMACS CNF format.
Weighted CNF (.wcnf)
- Format as DIMACS CNF
- Line separator ‘\n’
- Lines starting with character c are interpreted as comments
- Variables are consecutively numbered from 1 to n
- Problem description
- Form “p wcnf NumVariables NumClauses”
- Line starting with character p
- followed by the problem descriptor cnf
- followed by number n of variables
- followed by number m of clauses
- each separated by space each time
- Unique (No other line may start with p)
- Has to be the first line (except comments)
- Weight function
- Lines of the form “w Literal Weight 0”
- Defines the floating point Weight for Literal, where 0 <= Weight <= 1
- We do not use more than 9 significant digits after the decimal point
- If the weight for a literal is not defined, it is considered to be of weight 1
- Remaining lines indicate clauses
- consisting of decimal integers separated by space
- Lines are terminated by character “0”
- Line “2 -1 3 0\n” indicates the clause “2 or not 1 or 3”
- Empty lines or lines consisting of spaces may occur and only will be ignored
c This file describes a weighted CNF in MC 2020 format with 6 variables and 4 clauses
p wcnf 6 4
w 1 0.4 0
w -1 0.6 0
w 4 0.5 0
w -4 0.5 0
w 5 1.0 0
w -5 1.0 0
-1 -2 0
2 3 -2 0
c this is a comment and will be ignored
4 5 0
4 6 0
- Line separator ‘\n’
- Lines starting with character c are interpreted as comments
- Vertices are consecutively numbered from 1 to n
- Solution description
- Form “s wmc numSolutions”
- Line starting with character s
- followed by the problem descriptor wmc
- followed by number numSolutions indicating the weighted model count
- each separated by space each time
- Unique (No other line may start with s)
- Has to be the first line (except comments)
- Empty lines or lines consisting of spaces may occur and only will be ignored
c This file describes that the weighted model count is 8.0
s wmc 8.0
Track 3: Projected Model Counting
Solver submissions for this track should output, for a given Boolean formula
and set of projection variables, the projected model count of the instance.
Input files are given in Projected CNF format, which is a slight extension of
DIMACS CNF format.
Projected CNF (.pcnf)
- Format as DIMACS CNF
- Line separator ‘\n’
- Lines starting with character c are interpreted as comments
- Variables are consecutively numbered from 1 to n
- Problem description
- Form “p pcnf NumVariables NumClauses”
- Line starting with character p
- followed by the problem descriptor cnf
- followed by number n of variables
- followed by number m of clauses
- followed by number of projected variables
- each separated by space each time
- Unique (No other line may start with p)
- Has to be the first line (except comments)
- Set of projected variables
- Line of the form “vp VARID1 VARID2 VARID3 0”
- Unique (No other line may start with vp)
- Line may occur at any time after the p line, esp. also as last line in the file
- Defines the projected variables, i.e., variables that are important and which are the ones that will be considered for the count
- Consisting of decimal integers separated by space
- Lines are terminated by character “0”
- Line “vp 1 2 0\n” indicates the set {1, 2} of projection variables
- 1 <= VARID <= n (n… number of variables)
- Remaining lines indicate clauses
- consisting of decimal integers separated by space
- Lines are terminated by character “0”
- Line “2 -1 3 0\n” indicates the clause “2 or not 1 or 3”
- Empty lines or lines consisting of spaces may occur and only will be ignored
c This file describes a projected CNF in MC 2020 format with 6 variables and 4 clauses and 2 projected variables
p pcnf 6 4 2
vp 1 2 0
-1 -2 0
2 3 -2 0
c this is a comment and will be ignored
4 5 0
4 6 0
- Line separator ‘\n’
- Lines starting with character c are interpreted as comments
- Vertices are consecutively numbered from 1 to n
- Solution description
- Form “s pmc numSolutions”
- Line starting with character s
- followed by the problem descriptor pmc
- followed by number numSolutions indicating the projected model count
- each separated by space each time
- Unique (No other line may start with s)
- Has to be the first line (except comments)
- Empty lines or lines consisting of spaces may occur and only will be ignored
c This file describes that the projected model count is 3
s pmc 3